How to Visualize Custom TFX Artifacts With InteractiveContext

August 22, 2022

The ability to visually inspect TFX artifacts with InteractiveContext is invaluable for debugging TFX pipelines. However, until a couple months ago, when I hacked on a library to display TFX artifacts with Streamlit, I thought you could only use InteractiveContext to visualize TFMA and TFDV artifacts. As it turns out, you can also use InteractiveContext to visualize custom TFX artifacts. I’ll describe how to do so in this post.


Before we get started, let’s walk through how InteractiveContext visualizes standard artifacts.

When you call on an artifact, InteractiveContext checks whether there’s a visualization for the artifact in its visualization registry. Then, it calls the visualization’s display method if a visualization is available.

Here is the source code for

from tfx.orchestration.experimental.interactive import notebook_utils
from tfx.orchestration.experimental.interactive import visualizations

def show(self, item: object) -> None:
  """Show the given object in an IPython notebook display."""
  from IPython.core.display import display
  from IPython.core.display import HTML
  if isinstance(item, types.Channel):
    channel = item
    artifacts = channel.get()
    for artifact in artifacts:
      artifact_heading = 'Artifact at %s' % html.escape(artifact.uri)
      display(HTML('<b>%s</b><br/><br/>' % artifact_heading))
      visualization = visualizations.get_registry().get_visualization(
      if visualization:

Default visualizations are defined in the standard_visualizations module, and they’re registered in the InteractiveContext’s constructor.

In this tutorial, we’ll use InteractiveContext to create and display a greeting card.


Working in an interactive notebook, install TFX, verify the installation, then restart the notebook kernel.

! pip install tfx
import tfx

Create a custom artifact, component, and visualizer

Here we create a custom Card artifact, a create_greeting_card component that produces the artifact, and a CardVisualization that we can use to display the artifact with InteractiveContext.

Due to serialization issues that arise when defining a Python function component in the same file as its pipeline, we write the component to a module.

The final result can be a lot to take in all at once, so let’s look at each step one at a time and then put everything together.

Import packages

Import the packages needed to create our component, artifact, and visualizer.

from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import dedent

from tfx.dsl.component.experimental.decorators import component
from tfx.dsl.component.experimental.annotations import OutputArtifact, Parameter
from tfx.orchestration.experimental.interactive.visualizations import ArtifactVisualization
from tfx.types.artifact import Artifact

Create the Card artifact

class Card(Artifact):
  TYPE_NAME = 'Card'

Create the create_greeting_card component

The create_greeting_card component takes a user-supplied greeting string, wraps it in HTML, and saves the resulting HTML string to a file at the Card artifact’s URI. (The style in the HTML string is adapted from a CodePen by Álvaro.)

def create_greeting_card(
  greeting: Parameter[str],
  card: OutputArtifact[Card],
  card_template = dedent(
      <!DOCTYPE html>
          <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
            .container {{
              display: grid;
              place-items: center;
              text-align: center;

            .greeting {{
              --color-1: #DF8453;
              --color-2: #3D8DAE;
              --color-3: #E4A9A8;
              animation: color-animation 4s linear infinite;
              font-family: "Montserrat", sans-serif;
              font-weight: 800;
              font-size: 8.5vw;
              text-transform: uppercase;

            @keyframes color-animation {{
              0%    {{color: var(--color-1)}}
              32%   {{color: var(--color-1)}}
              33%   {{color: var(--color-2)}}
              65%   {{color: var(--color-2)}}
              66%   {{color: var(—color-3)}}
              99%   {{color: var(—color-3)}}
              100%  {{color: var(—color-1)}}
          <div class="container">
            <h2><span class="greeting">{greeting}</span></h2>
  p = Path(card.uri) / 'greeting.html'

Create the CardVisualization class

To create the CardVisualization, we subclass the ArtifactVisualization abstract base class. Then, we override the ARTIFACT_TYPE property with Card, the type of artifact the visualization applies to. Next, we override the display method to read an HTML file from the Card artifact’s URI and render the resulting HTML string.

class CardVisualization(ArtifactVisualization):


  def display(self, artifact: Artifact):
    from IPython.display import display, HTML
    files = Path(artifact.uri).glob('*.html')
    card = next(files).read_text()

Write the component to a module

Piece everything together and write the component to a module.


from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import dedent

from tfx.dsl.component.experimental.decorators import component
from tfx.dsl.component.experimental.annotations import OutputArtifact, Parameter
from tfx.orchestration.experimental.interactive.visualizations import ArtifactVisualization
from tfx.types.artifact import Artifact

class Card(Artifact):
  TYPE_NAME = 'Card'

def create_greeting_card(
  greeting: Parameter[str],
  card: OutputArtifact[Card],
  card_template = dedent(
      <!DOCTYPE html>
          <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
            .container {{
              display: grid;
              place-items: center;
              text-align: center;

            .greeting {{
              --color-1: #DF8453;
              --color-2: #3D8DAE;
              --color-3: #E4A9A8;
              animation: color-animation 4s linear infinite;
              font-family: "Montserrat", sans-serif;
              font-weight: 800;
              font-size: 8.5vw;
              text-transform: uppercase;

            @keyframes color-animation {{
              0%    {{color: var(--color-1)}}
              32%   {{color: var(--color-1)}}
              33%   {{color: var(--color-2)}}
              65%   {{color: var(--color-2)}}
              66%   {{color: var(—color-3)}}
              99%   {{color: var(—color-3)}}
              100%  {{color: var(—color-1)}}
          <div class="container">
            <h2><span class="greeting">{greeting}</span></h2>
  p = Path(card.uri) / 'greeting.html'

class CardVisualization(ArtifactVisualization):


  def display(self, artifact: Artifact):
    from IPython.display import display, HTML
    files = Path(artifact.uri).glob('*.html')
    card = next(files).read_text()

Visualize the custom artifact with InteractiveContext

Now, let’s visualize the custom artifact.

First, we import create_greeting_card, CardVisualization, and other necessary packages.

from custom_components import create_greeting_card, CardVisualization
from tfx.orchestration.experimental.interactive.interactive_context import InteractiveContext
from tfx.orchestration.experimental.interactive import visualizations

Next, we create an InteractiveContext and add the CardVisualization to the visualizations registry. This tells InteractiveContext how to visualize a Card artifact when we call for a Card .

context = InteractiveContext()

Finally, we run the create_greeting_card component and display its Card.

greeting_card = create_greeting_card(greeting='Hejsan!')['card'])

Artifact at /tmp/tfx-interactive-2022-08-14T03_10_45.839266-n50f0_ae/create_greeting_card/card/1


This is a silly example. Would you really want to use a machine learning pipeline to create and display a greeting card? Probably not. But you can use similar logic to display model cards and data cards.


You now understand how InteractiveContext visualizes artifacts and how to create custom artifact visualizations.

To create a custom visualization:

  • Subclass the ArtifactVisualization abstract base class.
  • Override the ARTIFACT_TYPE property with the type of artifact the visualization applies to.
  • Override the display method to read relevant content from the artifact’s URI and to render the content.

When you’re ready to display your artifact:

  • Add the visualization to InteractiveContext’s visualization registry.
  • Run on the artifact.

Next Steps

As a next step, I challenge you to create an ExampleVisualization to display decoded Example records. You may use the code from the TFX Keras Component Tutorial as a starting point.


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